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Jan 28, 2022

So, here we are


It's kinda crazy coming back here. Writing something on Blogspot.

I'm sure there won't be that many people reading this post but never mind. Could be interesting for some.

So I created this blog 8 years ago (oof). And then created and worked on Open TG Captions for a few years after that. But it wasn't very stable, and I didn't have the headspace to maintain it, so it kind of disappeared around 2017/2018 (I can't really remember, but that was around the end of my Uni time).

It always made me sad. Because this was clearly one of my best projects. It was great seeing so many people creating captions, reading them, commenting them, etc.

I tried to re-develop the website, but I felt like I'd had lost the momentum. The passion wasn't really there anymore, and I was in a bad place, mentally.

I just wanted to keep you all updated. I'm still alive, I'm not writing captions anymore though ^^

Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

The other big new I wanted to share here is that I came out as transgender :)
My egg cracked (meaning, I realised I was trans) something like 2 years ago.

Since then, I feel like my mental health has improved (wasn't obvious at first, I'll be honest)

And I don't know. Learn what you want from it. For me, I feel like the captions I was writing were just the tip of the iceberg. I still enjoy them, playing around with gender roles/transformation/etc is still arousing to me but I think I learned something about myself from it (if that makes sense?)

And obviously, this isn't a hint ; like I'm not saying you liking tg captions means you're trans too.
But obviously it's a question worth asking yourself.

Anyway, glad I wrote all that. I'll leave you to it now~

Cheers <3

PS. If this post unearths the blog for some reason, I'd be happy to reply to any comment, etc.
Would be fun to know if some tg-captions writers had the same experience, or simply what your relationship with gender is.


  1. I haven't come out as Trans yet (well only to some people) but honestly not sure how far I'll take it im Bi and still debating how far I wish to go I know I want the waist, hips, rear, chest, face of a woman though :)

  2. Wow, Emily, congratulations on coming out as trans! :) I (and probably a lot of folks) have missed seeing your captions, but it's entirely understandable and heart-warming to know that you have been engaged in self-discovery, for which TG captions were an initial stage. I'm overjoyed to know that you are okay and are finding inner harmony and equilibrium. Open TG Captions was wonderful for its time, and I'm grateful for the good times we had on the old website.

    Myself, I have explored similar feelings that led to my own coming out last summer---I am now openly admitting to myself something that I have known for a long time but had not known how to express; and I am transitioning as transgender, and thankfully my immediate family has been accepting, and being out of the closet is a positive step towards discovering what I'm capable of, and the kind of person I want to be. Identity is an ever-evolving thing, and in some ways learning to embrace and grow all the different dimensions in oneself is a new gift of life.

    I want you to know, Emily, that you are one of my inspirations, and I feel like we are not only members of a shared community, but kind of like sisters in arms. Where exactly life's course may take any of us, nobody knows, but you are wanted, you are loved. May you be blessed and continue to uncover your own joy, in all that you decide to do! <3

  3. Captioner to transgender woman pipeline here too, I've been out roughly the same amount of time (November 2019). I hope that you are finding peace and community on your path too. Thank you for your efforts and for helping me find small snippets of the euphoria that I am finally starting to incorporate in my own life.

  4. I'm glad you are okay, and I hope you are doing well

  5. Congratulations, Emily! I'm so happy for you and wishing you all the best on your journey. I started my gender identity in late Spring of '21 and embraced that I'm transgender a few weeks later. I credit places like this with helping to chip awaybat my egg over the years. I've always been obsessed with the concepts of body/gender swaps, and now that draw makes perfect sense to me. I'm a girl and always have been! Again, all best to you -- and thank you!

  6. *chip away at
    Oops! Hehe

  7. Hi bois and gurls! Check ou my bio. I have some books with hot sissy stories...
