You're so random.

  • [Bonus] Quick note[Bonus] Quick note
  • NU: Nothing I could doNU: Nothing I could do
  • My little brotherMy little brother
  • [Hentai] Custom Girl Unlimited[Hentai] Custom Girl Unlimited
  • NU: The BeachNU: The Beach
  • Swap GameSwap Game
  • BehaviourBehaviour

Aug 31, 2014

[Bonus] Quick reminder: OTGC

Hi all,

As some of you know already, I'm the creator of Open TG Captions.
Recently, JYNX has joined the community of captionners using the website (yay).

I would just like to remind people that they can use the images and the stories as they want but there are a few (little) conditions

  • Please send me an email beforehand. Just so I can give you special rights (like the possibility to "use" an image, making it unavailable for other, and linking the image to your caption).
  • When using images/stories please quote the website. It's a free website and it can't become "popular" if you don't say where you've got the image/story from.
  • As for stories, it's a nice thing to do to quote the pseudo of the person who posted the story. I'm trying my best to do so (when I simply copy/paste, otherwise I don't really feel the need to do it, for the reason below).
  • For people who post images and stories: note that OTGC is a suggestion platform. It wasn't meant to replace a TG caption blog. It could. I never really considered this possibility but (well in fact, I kinda did, but I'll tell you about that later).
    So whenever you post something, you agree that someone can post a caption on their blog (under the conditions above).
Hope this is clear to everyone. Don't hesitate to comment what you think about the website, how it works, how captionners like me use it, etc. I'm glad people participate in this website, it's a great adventure :)


Aug 26, 2014

[Hentai] Custom Girl Unlimited

I should do a post with a list maybe...
I love the image on the top right corner on this panel <3


Not quite sure about the ending on this one...

Anyway, someone new joined OpenTGCaptions
as a captionner, it's Jynx !
Cool stuff so far :)
And I'm working on a collab with another
new captionner as well, we'll see how it goes.

I haven't done requests in a long time, sorry
to keep you waiting, I'll correct that soon.

Aug 23, 2014

Aug 19, 2014

Aug 14, 2014

So random (Explicit)

Quick question:
How would you describe my style ?
I'm not even sure I have one but you
are the ones who would know I guess

Aug 12, 2014


Please suggest stories on Open TG Captions
I've left for a week or so but I'm back on it,
I'll do my best and try to do one captions a day with OTGC, at least.

Aug 8, 2014

Aug 4, 2014

Gropping her boobs

Last requests from July, before my time off
How about one where a guy gropes his girlfriend's boobs too hard, then she grabs his nipples and pulls out big boobs and gropes them to teach him a lesson?
As always, I feel free to adapt from your requests,
hope you don't mind and still like them.

The keyword

Last requests from July, before my time off
Could you do another cap about a 'Felix'? One in which he turns into a girl and becomes a little shorter, weaker and girlier whenever his girlfriend uses a magic codeword?
As always, I feel free to adapt from your requests,
hope you don't mind and still like them.

Aug 1, 2014

Quarterback (& holidays)

Quick caption from OTGC

I'm going to take a break from captionning
I'll be back when I feel like doing captions again.
Right now, I feel like I'm not doing great stuff
I'd be happy to have your feedback.
The more messages I get, the quicker I'll
try and come back :)

I might change my style a bit.
I'll still use OTGC, obviously.
But yes, please comment and tell
me what you think about...
everything I've done, so far :)

In the meantime, those are my favourite
blogs right now:
Lady Elysia (awesome gifs captions)
Body Swap Fictions (great stories)
Some TG Captions (original stories)