You're so random.

  • A girl's wardrobeA girl's wardrobe
  • VisionsVisions
  • Larry (Explicit)Larry (Explicit)
  • [Hentai] My Boyfriend is a Girl!?[Hentai] My Boyfriend is a Girl!?
  • It's all doneIt's all done
  • Trust issuesTrust issues
  • Ready to say goodbye?Ready to say goodbye?

Jan 28, 2022

So, here we are


It's kinda crazy coming back here. Writing something on Blogspot.

I'm sure there won't be that many people reading this post but never mind. Could be interesting for some.

So I created this blog 8 years ago (oof). And then created and worked on Open TG Captions for a few years after that. But it wasn't very stable, and I didn't have the headspace to maintain it, so it kind of disappeared around 2017/2018 (I can't really remember, but that was around the end of my Uni time).

It always made me sad. Because this was clearly one of my best projects. It was great seeing so many people creating captions, reading them, commenting them, etc.

I tried to re-develop the website, but I felt like I'd had lost the momentum. The passion wasn't really there anymore, and I was in a bad place, mentally.

I just wanted to keep you all updated. I'm still alive, I'm not writing captions anymore though ^^

Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

The other big new I wanted to share here is that I came out as transgender :)
My egg cracked (meaning, I realised I was trans) something like 2 years ago.

Since then, I feel like my mental health has improved (wasn't obvious at first, I'll be honest)

And I don't know. Learn what you want from it. For me, I feel like the captions I was writing were just the tip of the iceberg. I still enjoy them, playing around with gender roles/transformation/etc is still arousing to me but I think I learned something about myself from it (if that makes sense?)

And obviously, this isn't a hint ; like I'm not saying you liking tg captions means you're trans too.
But obviously it's a question worth asking yourself.

Anyway, glad I wrote all that. I'll leave you to it now~

Cheers <3

PS. If this post unearths the blog for some reason, I'd be happy to reply to any comment, etc.
Would be fun to know if some tg-captions writers had the same experience, or simply what your relationship with gender is.
Blogger Tricks

Aug 29, 2017

Open TG Captions

Hey! I've also noticed the website is currently broken.
When I first designed it, it wasn't meant to get this big, and I think that's one of the reasons it's so laggy / unstable.
Another reason could be the hosting company I use.
I'll think of a solution, you'll hear from me soon.

Jun 13, 2015


Hi everyone!

What kind of captions would you like me to write?
I'm not waiting for requests, just suggestions like "More M2M", "IQ Regression stuff"... etc.

That reminds me that I should implement a request system on OTGC... :)

See ya!

Feb 24, 2015

Fellow captionners

Hi everyone,

In a month, lots of blogs hosted on Blogger will have to shut down due to a policy update.
Hopefully, Open TG Captions is here!
The website isn't perfect but it's perfectible. I would love to work with the most popular captionners, that would bring light to the website.

Contrarily to Blogger, Open TG Captions is a platform made for us.
It's not a blog platform, it's a captions platform.

And as I said, your feedback is always welcome.
The site will evolve, thanks to you.

So I'm asking all the readers, all the content creators to take a look at Open TG Captions, to speak about it.

If you have any questions regarding the website, please email me, leave a comment here or on (the news blog).