You're so random.

  • Just a friendJust a friend
  • Being your girlfriendBeing your girlfriend
  • HarderHarder
  • 6 years ago6 years ago
  • Mrs JacksonMrs Jackson
  • [Story] Sleep notes[Story] Sleep notes
  • From natural to perfect (Series)From natural to perfect (Series)

Aug 26, 2014


Not quite sure about the ending on this one...

Anyway, someone new joined OpenTGCaptions
as a captionner, it's Jynx !
Cool stuff so far :)
And I'm working on a collab with another
new captionner as well, we'll see how it goes.

I haven't done requests in a long time, sorry
to keep you waiting, I'll correct that soon.


  1. I'm just gonna say it.
    Best M2M captions out there (in my opinion).
    Always inspire me to get back to making more of those...

    1. Thank you very much!
      Your comment encourages me to do more :)
      Especially since your blog was one of the first I discovered and motivated me to start doing my own captions.
      Come back for more ;) There's a M2M caption in the series I'm posting today.
